Haciendo memoria zine

The Haciendo Memoria Zine was created by participants of a zine-making workshop, which was part of the Primavera Artist Market & Community Day.

Scholar and Artist Dr Laura Castro Rodriguez lead a session of zine and memory-making (Haciendo memoria) and open conversation in collaboration with Paula Muraca and Jess Ibacache, Yo Soy Collective co-founder. Participants learnt how to create a zine that tells a story and captures memories, while also having the opportunity to participate in conversations around memories, lived experiences, politics, and culture. The end result was a collaborative zine called ‘Haciendo Memoria’.

Laura recently published the zine 'Memories and Post-Conflict: Latin American Migrants in Australia' with Spanish and English versions, which is part of a research project that seeks to understand how difficult memories are felt, lived, remembered, and forgotten by the Latin American diaspora in Australia – shaping shared past and present struggles for justice, joy, care, healing and belonging. This zine was also included in the Ancestral Magik exhibition.

Click here to view the full Haciendo Memoria Zine

Please note: images below have been cropped for design purposes.


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